Traditional, Independent, Baptist, Make Freedom Baptist Your Home.
Freedom Baptist Church of Middle Georgia
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
the Son therefore shall make you free.. Jn 8:36

Meeting Opportunities

We have four main weekly meetings for the entire church family.
Sunday Morning Bible Study (Sunday School for children, youth and adults)
     (Nursery is provided for babies through 3 years of age, but not mandatory)
Sunday Morning Worship - Pastor preaches what God has led him to preach from God's Word.
     Junior Church - Available for all children ages 4 years of age thru 5th grade, but not mandatory.     
Sunday Evening Worship & Bible Study - Pastor preaches or teaches a series of lessons on a Bible topic, such as one of the fundamental doctrines of the faith or a verse by verse series about a book of the Bible, questions/problems people commonly have today, etc.
Wednesday Evening Praise, Prayer & Bible Study - everyone has an opportunity to praise the Lord for blessings received, request prayer for specific needs which is then followed by a season of prayer. The pastor follows with a Bible Study on a series of lessons he has prepared for the congregation, such as God, The Father; the Doctrine of Sin; God's Word - why we should read The Bible or how we learn of God's will for our lives, The End Times, prayer, etc.
Please Pray for Our Troops and Missionaries Around the World.


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