Frequent Questions
Baptist - What kind of Baptist church is Freedom?
Fundamental - We believe in the "fundamental" doctrines of the Bible.
Independent - We, the members of Freedom Baptist Church, set the direction for Freedom Baptist Church.
Traditional - We want our music and services to honor and glorify God in a traditional setting.
Bible - What version of the Bible does Freedom's pastor use to preach?
Pastor McKeel and anyone preaching, teaching or giving a devotional must use the King James Version (KJV) to prevent confusion. We are a KJV Preference church. Your own Bible preference is between yourself and God. The Pastor is delighted to recommend a study Bible.
Constitution - May I see a copy of Freedom's Constitution?
Yes, a copy is provided when attending New Member Orientation and is also available for any family making a request at one of our church services.
Dress - Do I have to dress up at Freedom?
No, we feel the issue is modesty; respecting yourself and honoring and glorifying God in all you do. We want you to feel welcome.
Missions - How are Missions/Missionaries supported at Freedom?
We believe in "Faith Promise" Missions.