Traditional, Independent, Baptist, Make Freedom Baptist Your Home.
Freedom Baptist Church of Middle Georgia
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
the Son therefore shall make you free.. Jn 8:36

Freedom Ministries

Come, help us chart Freedom's Course!  Freedom Ministries are in their infancy. We are a small, young church with a big vision and great faith in God, who guarantees our success when we are surrendered to His will and purpose. Our immediate goals are listed throughout our website. We are launching out - as God provides the desire, the direction, the people and the means to fund and staff these ministries! Come, help us chart Freedom's Course!
The ministries of Freedom are designed to provide opportunities to encourage you as you fellowship with your friends in Christ.  All of us need to develop our spiritual gifts as well as to mature in our faith.  Serving God and ministering to each other allows us to exercise our spiritual gifts. We accomplish God's plan and purpose for our lives as we walk in the light God gives us to: give of our time, our natural talents and our spiritual gifts through Freedom Baptist and our community.
We strive to offer godly opportunities for each member of your family to enjoy Christ-honoring activities as alternatives to secular activities which do not glorify God or edify the believer.
Our ministries are for each member of your family: Children, Youth, Ladies, Men, Military and Seniors. We offer various activities throughout the month which provide fellowship with other Christians and avenues for spiritual growth.
Please Pray for Our Troops and Missionaries Around the World.


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