Traditional, Independent, Baptist, Make Freedom Baptist Your Home.
Freedom Baptist Church of Middle Georgia
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
the Son therefore shall make you free.. Jn 8:36

Sunday School

Nursery - The Puggles curriculum will soon be incorporated into our Nursery during the Sunday School hour. Our nursery is the perfect time to begin to instill God's Word and God's love in their precious hearts.  We play Christian children's songs and read Christian story books to the children during the nursery sessions. All books and toys are carefully selected to assure a Godly heritage is taught through their play and reading time.
Pre-School, Kindergarten - The New Tribes Mission 50-week curriculum series entitled Firm Foundation is taught to the children who are unable to read well. These are the same lessons taught to the reading children.  The worksheets are adjusted to age/learning appropriateness and interest.
1st through 5th grades - The New Tribes Mission 50-week curriculum series entitled "Firm Foundation" is taught to the elementary age children with age appropriate skits and worksheets, crafts and activities.
Please Pray for Our Troops and Missionaries Around the World.


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