Traditional, Independent, Baptist, Make Freedom Baptist Your Home.
Freedom Baptist Church of Middle Georgia
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
the Son therefore shall make you free.. Jn 8:36



Our AWANA Clubs, as we add them, will provide:
Puggles - Puggles are pottty-trained 2-year olds and younger 3-year olds who miss the Cubbies cutoff date (the first night of club is the cutoff). Leaders and parents work together to teach foundational truths about God and His Word and plant the "seeds of faith"! Toddlers love being Puggles and wearing their special Puggle shirt (usually to bed!!!) and bringing their Puggles backpack to club each week!  Just the right size for their handbook and a pair of pull-ups or underwear!!! Every precious child feels like part of the group! Puggles Club teaches toddlers simple lessons through teaching cards, activities and music, etc. The leaders use a guidebook to plan club time and teach the lesson. Then, the parents - the toddler's first and best teachers, step in to reinforce the lessons through the week, at home, with take-home cards which include ideas to point out God's work each day.
Cubbies - Cubbies are 3-4 year olds who enjoy learning through the storybook style of their handbooks. Cubbies are excited to wear their blue Cubbie vest to club. Parents and leaders are a team in teaching these pre-readers. It is vital the parents help their child at home, preparing them for their next club meeting. All children progress together through their handbooks.
Sparks - Sparks is a lively club full of energy and a great age of growing up - with Sparky's learning to read on their own and study for themselves with only reminders and a listening ear from their parents. Sparks Club is for children in kindergarten through the second grade and builds on the material learned in the Cubbies books. Sparks go a step deeper into God's Word and provide unsaved boys and girls regular opportunities to hear the gospel and come to faith in Jesus Christ. After receiving the solid, foundational teaching of the preschool level, boys and girls frequently come to an understanding of their need to trust Christ as their personal Savior. While in Sparks, they learn the basic truths about God, Jesus Christ, salvation and the Bible. They have an increased emphasis on Scripture memory in their 3 handbooks by learning over 65 verses, many of which cover salvation and key Christian teaching (doctrines) of biblical wisdom.
Truth and Training (T & T) - Girls & Boys - During these years we find the boys and girls do better when separated. The girls are becoming young ladies and the boys are becoming young men. The teacher can really help the parents during these years when children tend to feel the parents are too strict. When they realize the leaders have the same standards - it backs up your teaching and requirements to grow into godly, responsible young adults. The club has an aviation theme and details Bible characters in biography form and encourages each clubber to memorize verses and complete assignments in order to receive recognition for completing their handbook. Bible teaching, worship, award presentations and the gospel message, along with small group interaction and completion of Bible-based lessons and age appropriate games make up the club night for which AWANA is famous! 
Please Pray for Our Troops and Missionaries Around the World.


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