Traditional, Independent, Baptist, Make Freedom Baptist Your Home.
Freedom Baptist Church of Middle Georgia
Thursday, February 13, 2025
the Son therefore shall make you free.. Jn 8:36


While in the Air Force I majored in Business Administration in various colleges on base.  After accepting God's call to preach and teach the Gospel, I studied almost daily with our pastor in Germany. During our years in the military we learned not only what to do, but sometimes what not to do, by watching the mistakes of others. This was a great opportunity to learn from "the school of life" and these lessons have served us well over the years!
After completing my 3rd enlistment, I separated from the Air Force with an honorable discharge and began my studies in Missions and Pastoral Studies at Tennessee Temple University (TTU). While attending TTU we were active in church ministries in several local churches and received valuable experience which has aided us in our ministry through the years.
I worked as a Tennessee Temple (TTU) Security Guard while attending TTU. Prior military service was a requirement to work for Campus Security and I was fortunate to spend 2nd or 3rd shift at TTU and then attend morning classes. Working for the university gave me a great opportunity to meet some of the "greats" in the ministry as we would escort them from the airport to the campus when they came to speak at our Chapel services. We often ate with them and asked them important questions we had about the ministry. It was truly a wonderful experience! I also worked in my brother's construction company, mowed lawns and anything else I could do to provide for my family.
I graduated in 1985 from TTU, being fortunate to be in the last graduating class officiated by Dr. Lee Roberson, founder of Tennessee Temple University and Senior Pastor of Highland Park Baptist Church, a great man of God. 
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