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Freedom Baptist Church of Middle Georgia
Thursday, March 13, 2025
the Son therefore shall make you free.. Jn 8:36

Ministry, Early Years

Upon graduating from Tennessee Temple University (TTU) we felt God leading us to be missionaries to the American military in Germany. We began planning our deputation as missionaries to the military at Haun AB, Germany in the Hartz mountains.  Before our business letterhead was printed we were contacted by a small group of people and asked to pray about establishing a military church at Offutt AFB, Nebraska. I received a unanimous call and since that time we've been used of God to restore broken homes, lead people to the Lord and preach and teach God's Word and mentor men called to the ministry. The Lord has given me a strong desire to teach the Bible. I enjoy teaching people what the Lord has given me. 
We ministered there for over 11 years and through the years waved goodbye to 300 plus civilians, military and their dependents, who either had a set of orders in their hand or were halfway through their 3-year rotation. Fortunately, we had a good balance of local residents and military, both young and retirement age.  We had a diverse group to work with: single military members, young married couples, married families and even a few retired couples. They learned the Bible, their spiritual gifts and how use them for God's glory, how to work through their marital problems and problems with their children, how to serve each other as they developed new skills taught through the Ladies and Men's ministries in the church and how much fun it was to serve the Lord and His people.
Several men have surrendered for full-time service while under my ministry and I have tried to mentor them as I was mentored after my call to the ministry. We have had tremendous faithfulness from our members who usually are in their places for all activities and services unless "duty called". Our members have always loved being at church and with God's people.  Our visitation in Nebraska neighborhoods was always well attended by our adults and youth - going out 2 x 2!
Our members have always been great to pitch in and help each other any time there was a need: with local moves or even cross-country.  We had great fellowship and fun while moving the brethren! A true New Testament church - caring for each other and learning God's Word as we meet together.  
Please Pray for Our Troops and Missionaries Around the World.


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