Traditional, Independent, Baptist, Make Freedom Baptist Your Home.
Freedom Baptist Church of Middle Georgia
Friday, March 14, 2025
the Son therefore shall make you free.. Jn 8:36

Ladies Themes

Ladies "AFLAME
(All Freedom Ladies -Always Ministering Everywhere)
"This Year:  Let's"
Jan -  Let's Get Started
 Feb -  Let's Show our Love
 Mar - Let's Spring Clean
 Apr -  Let's Organize
 May - Let's Plant Our Garden
 Jun -  Let's Prepare Our Brides
 Jul -    Let's be Dependent 
Aug -  Let's Get Back to Basics
 Sep -  Let's Organize
 Oct -  Let's "Can" the Harvest
 Nov - Let's Be Thankful
 Dec - Let's Celebrate our Savior
Don't take these monthly titles too seriously - there will undoubtedly be a "spiritual twist" to the title! Each month we will share a special ladies get-together!
Complete with: DRAPES
D - Decorations
R - Refreshments
A - Activities
P - Practical Ideas
E - Encouragement
S - Special Topic